T vs. F: How Does Your MBTI Profile Influence Your Transition?

This is the fourth segment in our 5-part onboarding and MBTI blog series. Last month we looked at the Sensor/Intuitor dimension. This month we will focus on the Thinking/Feeling dimension and how these two preferences lead organizational change and develop relationships with Peers. Thinker/Feeler (T/F):The T vs. F dimension is related to how we make […]

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J vs. P: How Does Your MBTI Profile Influence Your Transition?

This is the final entry of our MBTI 5-part series. So far we have examined how preferences and behaviors associated with dimensions of Extraversion/Introversion, Sensor/Intuitor, and Thinker/Feeler impact New Leader transitions. This month we will conclude with a discussion of how Judger/Perceiver behaviors can influence a New Leader’s onboarding experience, and how to manage the […]

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Identifying Your Rival(s): It’s Not Who You Think It is …

Rivals are Everywhere – Be AwareWhether you’re being brought in from the outside or elevated into a new role, there’s a good chance you will work with someone who wanted your job. There may be people in the organization that were interviewed, had been asked to interview and opted not to, or were not asked […]

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Rivals Part 2: Bringing Them into The Fold

 Last month we identified 5 different kinds of rivals, and we discussed the potential negative impact that they can have on Newly-placed Leaders. A rival is usually someone who was not a viable candidate for the role, but for some reason is unhappy with the presence of the New Leader.This month we’ll discuss some tools […]

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Don’t Underestimate the Importance of the Personal Transition

Landing a senior-level leadership position can be a momentous time in anyone’s career. And for senior leaders most job appointments include changes that impact their personal lives, such as moving to another city, state, or even country. Adding this component to the onboarding process requires adjustments by the New Leaders and their families. While many companies […]

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