The Value of OnBoarding Coaching

The cost of New Leader derailment is high. Even if you selected the perfect candidate, that brings no guarantee of success. Companies often struggle to understand why New Leaders fail, and their own failure to foster leader success is painful. The cost can be incalculable

Job complexity and performance expectations only raise the stakes. Leaders intent on delivering early results will walk a fine line between engaging and repelling others. The support resources available may miss the mark.

OnBoarding Coaching is Our Core Competency

Working with a Leader OnBoarding (LOB) coach your Newly-hired team member will receive:

  • A partner with a unique philosophy and deep expertise – LOB has helped define the onboarding space for nearly 20 years.
  • A structured and effective onboarding experience for your New Leader, drawing on LOB's proven tools and approach.
  • Peace of mind – your Newly-placed Leaders "get" the culture, maintain role clarity, build important relationships, navigate effectively, and deliver to expectations.
  • Confidential thought partnership.