Sizing Up Your Team

Your New Team: Sizing Up, Investing In, or Trading Out

When New Leaders enter a role they often inherit a team to lead.

While navigating through the onboarding process, New Leaders may need to address concerns about their teams. Three typical approaches are:

  • The Wait-and-See Method
  • The Trade-Out Approach
  • Active Involvement

Team BlogWith our clients, we promote the Active Involvement Approach for a variety of reasons. Unless the Leader's team is in true crisis, maintaining consistency and taking time to comprehensibly evaluate the team and operational culture will likely lead to stronger performance.
A key step is sizing up the team while considering the context of the organization’s expectations, goals and history.

Questions to consider if you've inherited a team that is considered low-performing.
  • Why is the team perceived as low-performing?
  • Does the organizational structure support effective performance?
  • Does the team have access to the needed tools, knowledge, feedback, and training?
  • Have they experienced multiple leadership changes (or long gaps without a leader)?
  • Have prior leaders explained and clarified performance expectations?
  • Are there documented issues related to individual or team integrity?

Need more? Request a copy of: Nine Tips For Sizing Up Your New Team.