We offer deep expertise in the specialized area of New Leader transitions. Since 1996, we have implemented onboarding for executives – coaching best practices that drive New Leader results. That success is extended and increased by teaching HR Partners how to become highly effective Internal OnBoarding Consultants. They often service Leaders who might not otherwise benefit from an investment in coaching.
Leader OnBoarding supports clients by developing approaches that "fit" their organization. That are business-relevant. That can be self-managed.
We believe in the value of providing Internal Consultants for executives, and build our clients' capacity to do so. You have deep expertise in understanding of your company, and are a credible advocate. You have built successful relationships, and know what it takes for a New Leader to be successful.
We work with our clients to construct scalable processes, using customized tools that parallel our proprietary, successful executive coaching methodology. Together we define and measure specific target results, and hold our partners and ourselves accountable.
Here is more about our model for success. To learn how to implement internal onboarding capacity in your company, contact us.